How to complete the Athletic Supporter challenge in Bitlife

The Bitlife Athletic supporter challenge is fun and super exciting. It offers opportunities for players to test their creative skills and provides an energetic and captivating experience in the world of games. In this challenge, players aim to become professional athletic supporters. They have a chance to conquer the world of sports in bitlife. 

How to complete the Athletic supporter challenge in Bitlife?

Players must explore a life that is full of sports achievements, competitive spirits, and the passion to achieve their goals successfully. In this challenge, players have to become professional table tennis champions, massage, and physical therapists to complete it and get high rewards. Explore the article carefully to complete the challenge successfully.

How to complete the Athletic supporter challenge in Bitlife?

This challenge has five tasks. Players have to achieve certain tasks to complete the challenge. Tasks are explained below.

  • Be Born in the United Kingdom
  • Join the table tennis team in secondary school
  • Date 5+famous athletics
  • Become a massage therapist
  • Become a physical therapist

How to be born in the United Kingdom

The first task is to be born in the UK. In this task, players need to create a character. For this select the new Life menu to create character. This challenge does not require a specific gender. Players just need to select the United Kingdom as their country. 

After this, choose any available country like Blackpool as their birthplace and set the gender as male or female. Players must ensure the sports their character’s special talent.   

How to join the table tennis team in secondary school?

The next task in this challenge is to join the table tennis team in secondary school. For this task, the character’s age will be eleven years. When your character’s age is 11 years old in secondary school, then click the extracurricular activities tab and select the table tennis team for joining. Players have to fix their health and fitness to join the table tennis team. 

To do this, they can take part in school activities and games regularly. Moreover, they can go for a walk early and go to the Gym to maintain their health and fitness. They need to make sure sports are their character’s special talent. These tips help them to complete the task effortlessly.

How to Date 5+ Famous Athletes?

In this task, players must date more than five well-known athletes. To complete this task, players must have at least five lakh dollars because they have to spend one lakh dollars on each match. After joining the table tennis team in secondary school, players need to age up to start dating famous athletes.

For this go-to activities tab, click the Love category, then select Celebrity Dating app. Through this app, select the athlete and his age, then choose the gender and make sure the celebrity type is the athlete. Then give one lakh dollars for dating. Repeat the same process five times to complete the task.

How to become a massage therapist?

In this task, players must have a science-related degree. For this, click the activities tab, select the occupation, then education, and apply for a university. Then, choose science subjects like chemistry, biology, or psychology. Players have to work hard until graduation. 

After graduation, click the occupation again, select jobs, then search for the massage therapist position, and apply. Get success in an interview to become a massage therapist. 

How to become a physical therapist? 

To complete this task, players need to get a degree from medical school. For this, go to the activities tab, then click Occupation>Education and select the medical school. After graduating from medical school, click Occupation again, then head to the jobs search for a physical therapist position and apply for it. After becoming a physical therapist, the challenge will be completed.

Final words

In conclusion, the Bitlife Athletic supporter challenge provides a dynamic and thrilling experience in games. The player’s goal is to become a professional tennis table player and date more than five popular athletes in this challenge. Players need to complete the five tasks that are explained above. After finishing these tasks successfully, the challenge will be completed. 

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